Parents’ Testimonials
Some Words from Proud Parents
Glory Kindergarten is great place if you are looking for a structured but fun environment to enrol your child in. My eldest child, Gable, had not only learnt many good academic skills, but most importantly he had learned important lessons about the world we live in, and how we must treat others. When it was time for my second child, Nolan, to enter preschool, Glory was the obvious choice.I am impressed at the creativity and resourcefulness of the arts and crafts the children made. The teachers had taken great care and effort to procure interesting materials for the children to make some really creative and fun things. In addition to their usual curriculum, the children are also taught how to use their hands, minds and bodies through exposure to gymnastics (Bearyfun Gym), music (KinderRhythm) and gardening.
When Nolan was in K1, Glory started to offer afternoon extension classes to the students in the K1 and K2 morning classes. I was very keen for Nolan to join the extension classes but was late in signing him up. Fortunately, the principal and teachers were very kind and understanding, they gave Nolan a place even though the class was fully signed up. The teachers in the extension classes designed the curriculum to be really fun and enriching. The children are also able to enhance their general knowledge (through science experiments) and life skills (cooking classes). There are also organised visits to the library and occasional short outings (e.g. Jacob Ballas Gardens) to take learning outside the classroom. Unfortunately, due the Covid-19 situation, all the outdoor activities had to be cancelled for the safety of the children and teachers. Despite the constraints, the teachers still try their best to make to the classes fun and interesting for the children. I remembered Nolan coming home one day with an apple that has gummy worms sticking out and he explained they made that in class because they are reading a book about a worm in an apple. Nolan always looked forward to his extension classes and would come home excitedly to tell me what he has learned. It’s a pity that Glory did not have any extension classes during Gable’s time as I would definitely sign him up.
I am very thankful to the Principal and teachers for educating and nurturing my two older children during their time in Glory. They have grown to become more independent and are well-prepped for their next phase in primary school. My youngest child will be attending Glory next year and I hope his experience with Glory will be as enriching and fulfilling as his brothers.
We always wanted to enroll Matthias in a Christian pre-school, and one that emphasizes mandarin as a mode of communication. We visited many schools and spoke to various people and Glory Kindergarten was the one that stood out for us. One of the most memorable experience before Matthias started school was when we brought him to school to try the uniform and we met his first teacher Mrs Koh. She made sure he felt comfortable in a new environment and even gave him a balloon. From that moment on, we knew that we made the right decision and Matthias will be well taken care by his teachers. The principal Mrs Tay makes it a point to stand at the gate every morning, rain or shine, to greet all the kids that are coming to school. Glory Kindergarten has given Matthias a conducive environment to learn and play and he looks forward to attending school daily. From his prayers in mandarin to him reciting memory verses in both languages, we are thankful that Glory Kindergarten has taught him these Christian values, which we continue to inculcate at home, to lay a firm foundation for Matthias. Once he started K1, we signed him up for the extension class. We like the hands-on activities that are conducted during the extension lessons like planting, cooking roti prata and eggs. He will come home to share these experiences and Mrs Koh will send photos to us to share with us what they did during the lesson. We will like to thank the teachers that has taught Matthias (Mrs Koh, 张老师,许老师, Teacher Anne, 王老师) and the supporting staff (Preacher Hidy, Mrs Tay, Uncle Ting) for making Glory Kindergarten a wonderful place of learning for the children. We will be sending our second son Matthew to Glory Kindergarten next year.
Being the pioneer batch of extension class, we did not know what to expect- whether the curriculum was going to be relevant or whether our daughter was going to enjoy it. It has been two years since then, and we are glad to say she really looks forward to extension class every school day. In fact, Pei En loves the extension curriculum more than the core classes, she especially loves the hands-on activities which are more interactive and less boring as compared to typical classroom learning. In addition to academics, the children work on character-building, such as opportunities to be on stage to work on their self-confidence. Extension class is the perfect example of learning through play, and we also note an improvement in her social interaction with friends. We are thankful to her teachers for preparing her adequately for primary school and are definitely going to enrol our younger child in extension class next year!
Joshua has been attending the Extension Class since it started in 2019. The school has given a lot of thought in designing the extension class program, using stories to link to lessons objectives. They also have many hands-on activities. They have tried simple cooking, such as frying roti prata during Racial Harmony Day. They have also gone out to nature to conduct their lesson, made many interesting craft work, and have done simple science experiments. All these lessons has helped make the school experience so much richer for Joshua because of more time he can spend in school. Definitely helps that he can have a lot of delicious food at lunch as well after his morning lessons!
From the very beginning of Amelia’s journey with Glory Kindergarten, both my husband and myself knew that we have made the right decision and has delivered her into “good hands”.As a 3 year old, Amelia is restless, inquisitive and very playful. We were anxious that she might not be able to integrate into the school system and be a “problem” to the teachers and other children. However, we were amazed that she blends in so well and genuinely enjoy going to school everyday. The teachers have done a terrific job in helping her settle down and lead her down the path of learning and having fun at the same time. We are grateful to Mrs. Koh for encouraging her to read when she discovered that Amelia is able to read simple sentences. Till today, Amelia often picks up books to read without having us to initiate. Glory Kindergarten provides a holistic environment in nurturing Amelia into a happy, responsible and helpful child. They inculcate Christian values into her life, shaping her to love, share and care for everyone around her. These are precious values she can embrace into her lifetime. In these 3 years, she has exemplified confidence in conversing and expressing herself. Once again, we would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to all the teachers and staff of Glory Kindergarten. They have done such a fantastic job!
As parents of a daughter (Ms. Clarice KANG) in K2 Faith PM, we would like to take this golden opportunity to express our sincerest gratitude to Glory Kindergarten. Since 2014 where Clarice newly enrolled into Glory Kindergarten, she has grown over these fantastic four years, in all facets. We noted the devotion of teachers in Glory Kindergarten in raising her academically, but more importantly expanding her mind and help her growing as a person. We thank you for encouraging her to be passionate, well-being and happy.We fully understand the current challenges a teacher is facing. As the most influential adult in the lives of these children, after parents or caretakers, a passionate and caring teacher is always on great demand to shape a generation and change the trajectory of life of these children. Personally we feel the teachers are well equipped with attributes which are well aligned with ours. Firstly, it is embracing diverse learning needs. Learning attitude is of our top priority as with the hunger for learning will surely wet the appetite for success. Secondly, it is imagination. As Einstein said, imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world. The true sign that someone is intelligent is seen not by his knowledge but by his imagination. Last but not least, it is moral attributes of loving, thankfulness and politeness. Instilling these moral attributes in the early stage of these children will surely bring them extra mile in life in future.As for learning environment, Glory Kindergarten creates a positive classroom environment. Physically, the classroom is conducive for accelerated learning. Besides, it also brings along welcoming atmosphere where Clarice and her classmates are always willing to share and be respectful. She always comes back with a smiling face and shares all the happy moments with us. The safe environment also gives us as parents a great peace of mind.
We would like to end this letter of appreciation to thank teachers (Mrs. Koh, 张老师, Ms. Veron, 何老师, Ms. Khim, 马老师, Mrs Toh), staffs (Uncle Ding), and those who have directly or indirectly touch the growing life of Clarice. We hereby sincerely thank you again for everything you have rendered. As Clarice said, GLORY KINDERGARTEN IS THE BEST.
Attending Glory Kindergarten was such a great experience for my eldest daughter that we never had second thoughts about sending for her two younger sisters here too. The teachers were passionate about teaching the children and the church inculcated strong Christian values that became deeply rooted in their young hearts. My two older girls, now in P5 and P2, were well prepared for primary school and could cope well without the need of extra enrichment classes. We believe our youngest one, now in N2, will also benefit and be well taken care of at Glory Kindergarten. Kudos to all the staff at Glory Kindergarten.
Grace Giam Ern Chi started her first day of school in N1 Faith (PM) of Glory Kindergarten on 4 Jan 2010 as a teary wide-eye toddler, wondering what was happening around her. As Grace was a year-end baby, she was extremely petite in size, compared to her school mates. As her parents, we were worried that schooling may be too early for her – sneaking a look at her when she climbed the staircase with the help of her teacher, feeding herself without parental help, sitting properly in class to listen to teacher and playing with other students – this is all a whole new world of experience for a 2+ year old!As time goes by, we were amazed at how Grace got gradually integrated into Glory Kindergarten school curriculum and actually enjoyed herself, as she progressed from N1 Faith (PM), to N2 Peace (PM), to K1 Peace (PM) and now almost graduating from K2 Joy (PM). Grace is now able to sing, dance, read, tell stories and even “take care” of mom and dad. She is also very diligent when it comes to getting her homework done properly and learning her spelling before her lessons.We are very grateful to her teachers at Glory Kindergarten and are constantly amazed at the good values and teachings they have imparted onto Grace. The motto of Glory Kindergarten is “Teach a child when he is young, and when he grows up, he will not depart from it”. As parents, we are very happy that Glory Kindergarten has given Grace the foundations of Christian living and value, and we hope Grace will continue to grow and mature in God’s kingdom. All in all, we are thankful to Glory Kindergarten and her teachers for taking care of Grace and giving her the godly guidance these four years. Thank you very much!
When it was time to enroll Natalie ( K2 Love PM) in a pre-school, our only criteria was that it should preferably be a Christian school. God led us to Glory Kindergarten and we have not once regretted the decision. From a little girl who’s never been left alone on her own before, Natalie quickly felt safe and trusted her teachers to take care of her when she began her Glory Kindergarten journey in Nursery 2. It didn’t take her long at all to enjoy going to school. She would speak fondly of her teachers and from the way she spoke about them, I knew she loved her teachers. She would also tell me all the names of her classmates and the friendships she made. We knew a little bit more about each of her classmates through the everyday things that she tells us. This was very heartwarming for us.We also loved the fact that Natalie always comes home with new Christian ( English and Chinese) songs every so often. To us, this was way more important than learning secular children’s songs with little meaning. Overtime, she also grew to pray independently and would offer to pray for her friends and teachers in her bedtime prayers. Academically, Natalie loved all her lessons. She would proudly bring home her English and Chinese readers and recite them to us. For one who started off having zero knowledge in the Chinese language (apart from maybe counting from 1 to 10), we were pleased to hear her read an entire book in Mandarin! Her other favorite times in school are during computer lessons, sports, music and art and craft, along with the family activities planned by the school which involves lots of candy floss, popcorn and bouncy castles!During her last term in Kindergarten 1, Natalie broke her left leg and had to be in a cast for 2 months. She pretty much missed the entire term. However, through technology and the love of her 秀秀老师, she was still able to know what’s going on in her class. Her entire class recorded a get-well message immediately after finding out what had happened. When Natalie had to skip her class outing to the aquarium because of her broken leg, her little friends remembered her and sent a video of them saying hello and told her that they saw sharks!秀秀老师 would sent these over to us via whatsapp . Her teacher also designed a card and sent it to our home address. Needless to say, Natalie was surprised and excited to know that her teachers and friends think and care about her. Her classmate even came over to visit Natalie in our home, bearing homework (which she loves doing!), gifts and fun companionship.We are grateful that her very first three years of education were spent here in Glory Kindergarten. I know for sure she loves school and would go to school every single day if given a choice. She will also remember how her teachers taught her with love, and would miss their daily hugs. I hope that the friendships she has forged will remain and continue through play dates organised by the mummies. We thank God for three very precious years that our daughter spent at Glory Kindergarten. We sincerely look forward to opportunities where we can give back to the school. Natalie has already planned when to visit her teachers next year when she starts Primary One!
The afternoon extension class allowed my daughter to build up her social skills and engage in meaningful classroom tasks such as craft work and reading. Teachers are patient and looks after the kid’s well-being, while at the same time ensuring they are well-disciplined. Adeline loves her extension class and comes back telling us what interesting art work or things she has learnt.
We are happy to be able to join the extension program for the both year in K1 and K2. My daughter loves the art & craft activities they do during the extensions program. She also gets to learn Han Yu Pin during the extension lessons. Overall, the program provides a lot of fun activities for children and allowing parent to have more time getting their own work done. Thanks
“I’m a mouse, I’m a mouse and I sneak. Through the house, through the house, with a squeak. Sang my 4-year-old one night. Her face was filled with expression, and her tone varied from a quiet mouse to a frantic one upon hearing a cat’s mew. Two days ago, she had come home from school with her face painted as a cute little mouse. They had just put up a lovely play in school titled “Mabela the Clever” It was about an attentive mouse which had avoided being tricked by a cat. Watching the play (which was recorded on video and sent to parents), I was so impressed by the effort of the extension class teachers! They had made this African tale come alive for the children! What a feat to have taught the children how to read (the new K1 term had just started) and perform it, together with the full works of face painting so they would look like the characters in the story. There was also theme-related handicraft and a song and dance item. The magic did not stop there. Month on month, my child brought home books of increasing difficulty and read me the interesting stories, despite being someone who was more passive when it came to reading. I was also presented with regular surprises of creative, beautiful and fun handicraft too. Already, it made me secretly wished I was the one attending school instead. “Mummy, today Uncle Ting brought an oven to class for Ms Khim.” “Oh, were you all cooking something delicious?” “We made chicken satay. It’s very yummy! We also skewered the chicken.” “Today, we made scrambled eggs! Next time I cook for you, OK?” “We made potato salad today. It’s very delicious.” “Happy Mother’s Day, mummy! We made this cupcake for you. Can we eat it together later?” Apart from helping my child read better and improving her confidence and speech and drama skills, the extension class also has many other interesting programmes like cooking, team activities, nature walks etc. “Mummy, I like extension class so much!” “Can I join your extension class too, En?”
When we first received information regarding the K1 Extension programme, we were unsure about signing up for Hazel, because it meant longer school hours for her every day and we were concerned that she would be too tired. We decided to try out for one term. Within the first month, we could already see positive changes, and our concerns were unfounded. Hazel looks forward to going to school, and said the afternoon classes are very fun. She told us about nature walks, the scrambled eggs she cooked and cupcakes she baked, role plays of various stories, and also brought home very creative craft like woodpecker pecking down a tree, frog which could stick out its tongue when she blew it. Besides the “fun-ness”, we noticed her reading and speaking skills have improved much too. When reading her extension class books, she would use her finger to point to each word as she read it aloud. Chinese being her weaker language, she was able to do the same! Her grandparents also noticed her confidence conversing with them in Mandarin, something which she could not do before. We were delighted! We are really thankful to the school and the teachers for putting so much effort into the extension class curriculum, to make it fun and engaging for the children. As an additional plus, Hazel looks forward to the lunch too, and her favourite is “rice with sauce”!
我们家的RY小朋友很幸运地在他K1那一年参加了荣耀幼稚园延时班。在那之前,他上午下午就读于两个不同的学校,对于孩子来说难免过于奔波。荣耀推出延时班的第一时间,我们全家都很认可,马上为孩子报了名。早上八点到下午三点,孩子安心在校学习玩耍交友,家长也就更能安心工作。荣耀延时班的课程设置非常多元丰富。疫情前,孩子们每个月都会搭校巴去图书馆,由老师带领着看书选书借书。让我印象最深刻的是延时班的中文课有非常系统完整的拼音教学,这是幼小衔接华语学习中很重要的一环,也让我在孩子小一时体会到了提前打好拼音基础的重要性。现在我的第二个孩子ZY也即将在今年年底从荣耀延时班毕业,相信在荣耀每一位老师的教导与鼓励之下,他会成长为一个独立自信且光荣的准小学生! (政洋的妈妈, 2022)
Glory Kindergarten did not disappoint. For all these years our children have attended GK, we know that we have made the right choice in sending them here. The teachers have been ever so patient in guiding our children holistically. Their honest feedback on areas for improvement and encouragement on our children’s strengths have been accurate and well appreciated.
Paige entered GK as a shy girl who hardly spoke a word of Mandarin. She was given opportunities to present in Mandarin and this increased her confidence. She has been doing well in Primary school and we believe that GK built a strong foundation in her social and academic skills to give her a great head start.
Grace entered GK as the “baby” of the class as she is a year-end baby. We recall her sliding down the slide on her belly because she was afraid of sliding the proper way on her first day of school. With the guidance and encouragement of her teachers, she is now an outspoken girl who is able to take risks. We were also worried that she was academically behind, but we believe that GK played a big part in her academic progress and she is ready to enter Primary 1 next year.
Elise was terribly shy and hardly spoke a word when she entered GK. With her teachers’ patience in building strong rapport with her, she now is able to speak confidently to others. Her teachers’ praise and keen observations also played a key role in encouraging her to actively show care for her friends in her own quiet way. We look forward to seeing her blossom as she embarks on K1 next year.
Most importantly, we appreciate the strong emphasis on values and spiritual guidance the school has provided to our 3 children. We are thankful that the school values help to enforce what we have been teaching our children at home. It is truly a joy to hear them sing praises out loud at home and excitedly recounting the Bible stories they have learnt in school.
All these would not have been possible without the dedicated staff of Glory Kindergarten who always go the extra mile to show care and love for our children, from the teachers to the bus attendants. We thank God that He has placed each and every one of you in our children’s lives to make such a positive impact on them. Thank you, GK, from the bottom of our hearts. May God continue to use you to touch the lives of many other children just as you have for the 4 of us.
I prayed very hard before withdrawing John from his full-day childcare centre and enrolling him in Glory Kindergarten in 2022. Since then, he always looks forward going to school and returns home on most days with a smile. Throughout his N1 and N2 journey, John is blessed with nurturing and kind teachers. Due to his reserved personality, he keeps to himself and does not participate actively during class/group activities. However, his teachers would often encourage and guide him patiently so that he is willing to follow instructions and join his friends during lessons. John has improved in his fine and gross motor as well as social skills. It is definitely a slowly but surely journey for my firstborn at Glory. Overall, I’m thankful and grateful to Glory Kindergarten for its team of dedicated office and teaching staff. I’m sure that John’s younger brothers will be equally blessed in this school.
Glory Kindergarten provided a safe and nurturing environment for my 2 children to learn. When we moved from US to Singapore, we were worried about the culture difference and whether my 2 kids will fit in. Thank God for Glory Kindergarten, the transition was easy. Mrs Lina Koh, Teacher Alice and 许老师 made my younger one ease into N2 easily and love going to school every day. The small 7:1 student-teacher ratio in N2 ensured each child had the attention they needed. Teacher Alice noticed that the crayons we bought for our younger girl were too advanced for her motor skills and gave her a set of crayons that fit for her level. Teacher Alice was patient with my girl. When our girl needed regular eye drops due to the weather, she patiently applied them for her. The gardening and playground time was exceptionally fun for my girl, she loved all the herbs and plants she tended to in school and got to bring some cuttings of them home. She went on stage to perform during Teachers’ Day concert as well as the N2 year-end concert. She participated in the morning assembly by holding the flag. The crafts she brought home had been thoughtfully designed by her teachers and she enjoyed making them and showing her masterpieces at home. All these experiences are invaluable to a child’s learning. My elder one went into K2 and took the transition to a structured classroom setting well. The teachers made learning fun for him that he was able to pick up and excel in school. By giving out prizes for good grades in spelling and 听写, Ms Magdelene and 盛老师 helped my older boy align his learning to the Singapore education system. They also kept me included in my son’s learning by regularly updating his progress through the school app. Glory curriculum made his transition to Primary 1 a breeze. He can read confidently and is able to use Phonics to spell words. He is not shy of exhibiting his Chinese ability by reading and writing Chinese characters more than what’s needed for Primary 1. He was also given an opportunity to perform together with his younger sister during Teachers’ Day concert. Both my kids love the school field trips and we truly appreciate the teachers bringing learning beyond the classroom to the farm as well as museum and theatre. We love Glory Kindergarten and are blessed to be part of this big family.